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Contact us

If you are interested in our services or you need more information than you can find here, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Tim-Peter VossYou can send us an e-mail to info @, conventional mail to 

Office Germany:

VOSS Engineering & Aeronautics, Tim-Peter Voß

Gößweinsteiner Gang 34, 14089 Berlin, Germany


Headquarters Spain:

VOSS Engineering & Aeronautics, Tim-Peter Voss

C/Bailén 12, 13600 Alcázar de San Juan (Ciudad Real), Spain


You also can call us by phone +49 151 21 91 25 49 or +34 631 699 611.

Furthermore you can just fill and send the contact form.


Contact Form

By submission you declare that you have read and understood the terms and conditions. You accept that your data will be used and saved for responding to your message.

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